This is my kind of gun toting woman, flag waving patriot, conservative American. Five kids later and not one scratch mark on her smart body. Has anyone noticed but aren't the Republican convention women delegates better looking than what the Democrats had last week?
You will never see anything that good looking standing next to a swimming pool on 22nd St. in Nederland, Texas.
We know what they say about those Penecostal girls and their daughters. Lord, I hope Palin doesn't start talking in tongue and handling snakes in the V.P. office.
Yep Bob, a fine specimen. Looks like a .22 cal to me and that's perfect. You wouldn't want a petite gal like that getting a shoulder bruise from a 30-30 or a270. Save those for the heavier framed girls.
Do you really hate the guy that much to talk about his wife on 22nd st like that?
Did you notice Gov. Palin's daughter keeping her legs crossed while her mother spoke last night? Duh, little late now, like 5 months too late.
Nice Gun!
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