This morning I watched KBTV with Ericka English and Jack Pieper, and I like both of them but not together. Poor Ericka could barely get a word in with Jack interrupting her and then she brought a dish for them to sample. Jack had that spoon in his hand and ready to dig in. Al Caldwell always made fun of Jack being first in the lunch line, now I know he wasn't joking. Now if we want TV viewers to watch, this is what we need, just like they have in Italy.
This is the hostess for an Italian TV talk show

And this is a hostess for an American TV talk show

The fat ugly one at the bottom resembles a mid-county EMT/P.
Philip R. Klein once had a morning program but it failed as did his other endeavors. I can't wait for Klein's announcement in two weeks on the identity of Sam The Eagle. Some are clueless and some are dumb.
All are welcome under my mess tent.
Hey PK, fat,ugly,stupid,moronic and bankrupt is no way of life.
There is a reason God won't let you reproduce.
Better be careful with that kind of language or I'll do more than break your mirror next time.
Ha Ha
She needed someone with 'life in the loins'
Whoever both of you are, grow up. You both are sick.
Reading all the comments, I've concluded you all are on dope. What are you smoking and where can I get some too?
The following should help us all to understand one particular poster:
Narcissistic personality traits can also be used to provide motivation for therapy. The patient may be induced to change negative behaviors: a better appearance, improved career prospects, or romantic and sexual conquests can been viewed as a reward for recovery.
We have a winner!
Please pass the butter knife.
Please put down the steak knife.
I can see why Phillip Klein makes up his reader mail after reading though all of this crap if this like the stuff people are sending him.
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