Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Real Justice for Riley Ann Sawyers

On Sunday, news breaks that there was an arrest in the "Baby Grace" murder, I watched CNN as they told the story of the mother and the mother’s boyfriend being suspects in the murder of Riley Ann Sawyers. I looked over at my grandkids and watched the horror in their eyes as they listened to the story. The first thought was I would kill anyone that harmed my family and that goes double for my grandkids.

This no good bitch (she is no mother) who gave birth to this loving gift from God should be sentenced to death for what she did to her own flesh and blood. And for the no good bastard of a boyfriend, I would love to have ten minutes alone with him. But after the ten minutes, I would pay whatever the cost to be able to carry out sentencing on him. Mr. Coward, Royce Zeigler, helped in the torture of this little girl. They whipped Riley Ann with leather belts, held her head under water and threw her frail body against a wall. Eye for an eye, wouldn’t you like to see the same done to them? But if given the opportunity, I would like to carry out justice myself. Since I’m a fan of old cowboy movies, I could use some of what I’ve learned from watching those westerns.

Here is how I would dispense justice. Take both of them out to the Golden Triangle Gun Club range with four of my close shooting buddies, there is a good size hackberry tree out on the grounds. Two good nooses tied from the tree with wood chairs underneath for the bitch and the coward to stand on. After the nooses are placed around their no good necks, I pull out my 1911 .45 caliber and step off 50 feet. Real men carry 1911’s chambered in .45 caliber with wood grips, plastic polymer guns are for women worried about weight in their purses. Then I would slowly shoot off the legs of the chairs and watch for the chairs to collapse with those no good cowards dangling from the end of the ropes. I might even sell tickets to the public to watch and use the money for huge monument on this little girl’s grave, she at least deserves that, she surely didn’t deserve to be tortured and placed into an ice chest and dumped into Galveston Bay. One thing for sure, she is safe in Heaven now.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am thankful for much.
I am thankful for many things this Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for my wonderful and loving family.
I am thankful for God creating me and giving me great parents.
I am thankful for all my customers and value their business.
I am thankful for all of my friends, whether gun nuts are not.
I am thankful to live in Texas.
I am thankful for my good health with the aid of medications.
I am thankful to be able to start over again after a mess up.
I am thankful to be able to move on and forgive.
I am thankful to all of our military for helping to protect our freedom.
So with that said, you are invited to pray with me this Thanksgiving.

O God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, help me to remember the jobless; When I have a home, help me to remember those who have no home at all; When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer, And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency; bestir my compassion, and be concerned enough to help; By word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. Amen.

And here is my Thanksgiving card to you.

To everyone, be careful and remember to be safe while driving in this holiday traffic.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Huckabee and Walker, Texas Ranger

Ever notice how campaign commercials are written to insult your intelligence? I like what they are saying but both of them are stupid in the way they present it.

Hunting Safety

There is an old poem in which a father exhorts his son to caution with the words "All the pheasants ever bred won't make up for one man dead."

For all the hunters out there, while hunting with one or more people, always keep your safety on and firearm unloaded until ready to hunt in order to prevent any hunting accidents from occurring. The primary reason for Texas hunting accidents remains swinging on game outside a safe zone of fire. This happens when a person points a firearm at another hunter while following a moving target, such as a flying bird. Hunter education teaches people to set up safe zones of fire where a gun can be safely pointed whether the target is moving or stationary. A good example is how V.P. Dick Cheney blasted a fellow hunter.

So to all my friends, please be safe with firearms when you are hunting this season. And good luck on bagging the big one.
