I don’t receive many comments on my blog but I do appreciate those who take the time to comment on an article. I wanted to answer a couple of comments left here.
First one- “you must be a gun nut.”
I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a “gun nut” but like to think of myself more of a “gun enthusiast.”
Second one- Bob,
Philip Klein wrote, "Dude a CZPO1? Nada buddy. Glock and a PT111 for a back up. Seriously buddy. Look into it."
I trust your opinion. Which is the better gun?
If you trust my opinion, then here it is.
All of them will kill you death.
I take it that whoever left that comment wanted me to comment on Mr. Klein’s knowledge of firearms. His opinion is just as debatable as mine. To each his own, which looks better? The blonde, brunette or redhead? Everyone has their own opinion and they truly vary when it comes to pistols and revolvers. I only caught Mr. Klein’s radio program maybe 4 or 5 times while he was on KOLE but he made me laugh one day when he talked about going deer hunting and using his sniper rifle. It must have been his first time to go deer hunting.
Here are some of the particulars on the pistols you asked about-
CZ P01 is the successor to the CZ75. CZ75 is the gun carried by the Czech National Police. The CZ75 Magazine holds 14 rounds and trigger mechanism is SA/DA. Weight empty is 27 ounces.
Glock 17 got its name after being the 17th patent for Glock. Glock started out being carried by the Austrian military and Swedish armed forces. The Glock magazine holds 17 rounds. Weight empty is 22.04 ounces.
Taurus PT111 is a subcompact knockoff of the Taurus 24/7 Pro. Taurus holds 12 9mm rounds in the magazine. I own a 24/7 in .40 caliber, it is a good gun but doesn’t hold a candle to my SIG 226 in .40 caliber. I never like the feel of the P111 in my large hands. I think Taurus makes a descent pistol but I hate the rattle in the magazines.
Now if I had to choose one of the above, it would be the CZ P01. My reason is that I have fired a CZ75B in the past and it is one of the most accurate pistols on the market.
If you are wondering where you can purchase the handgun in the pic, it is still in the development stages but you can call the ambulance or coroner for your attacker after the confrontation.
I hope this answers your question and thanks for reading.