Go figure, a white Christian and a black Muslim win the Iowa caucus. It looks like all the bases were covered in all directions. I'm happier than a pig in slop that Hillary finished third. And just as happy that Fred Thompson finished fourth. With the Houston gun show around the corner, January 19 and 20, I'll see if the Fred Thompson campaign has a booth set up like the last show.
Now first let me say that I don't consider myself a racist but when a presidential candidate won't wear an American flag lapel pin and has problems with the American flag that many Americans shed their blood for so that flag would be able to fly over this free nation, then don't count on Bob saying anything good things about you. I'll touch on that later after the other state primaries decide the front runners.
Then there is Huckabee, 12 years as a Baptist minister, takes first place for being the nice guy in the race. Nothing against Baptist preachers, I listened to one every Wednesday and Sunday while growing up in the rural sticks of Jasper County, so I really don't want to listen to another one on a daily basis running the United States of America. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Christian but I'm also a believer in the separation of church and state. And can Huckabee do that? Then what about him granting a pardon to a convicted rapist who later kills a woman? Then Huckabee's son is arrested by airport security for trying to carry a loaded Glock in the airport. That stupid kid needs a concealed handgun license refresher course but doesn't need it now since the State of Arkansas revoked his CCW permit. Nope, Huckabee isn't my man either. I'm still searching for the right candidate.
Have a fun and safe weekend, my friends.
A Ron Paul Table will be there, a least he can be trusted and rated A+ by the GOA.. What other candidate can say that? Oh wait, no I don’t want a bunch of junk mail from the NRA or my right to self defense compromised by Fred Thompson, Hillary or anyone else.
A Ron Paul Table will be there, a least he can be trusted and rated A+ by the GOA.. What other candidate can say that? Oh wait, no I don’t want a bunch of junk mail from the NRA or my right to self defense compromised by Fred Thompson, Hillary or anyone else.
I'm looking hard at Ron Paul. I like what he says and he is a straight shooter.
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