Political correctness is a term used by the liberals to discredit the conservatives, that is it, plain and simple. We as a country of mixed individuals from all walks of life, cultures and races have lost all perspective and now we are trapped in this whole PC bull crap.
Here are a couple of definitions of "Political Correctness"
1. Of, relating to, or supporting broad social, political, and educational change, especially to redress historical injustices in matters such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation.
2. Being or perceived as being over concerned with such change, often to the exclusion of other matters.
Now here is my favorite definition of "Political Correctness"
'Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional minority
and the mainstream media which holds forth the proposition that it is
entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.'
Which definition do you think best fits?
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