Friends, this is proposed legislation from the great state of Illinois, home of Obama. Don't let it happen in Texas!
ISRA Alert:
A pair of ammunition ban bills are up for hearing in the House Executive Committee this week. If enacted, either of these bills would effectively ban the purchase of ammunition in Illinois. The bills in question are HB 4269 sponsored by Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago), and HB 4349 sponsored by Rep. Naomi Jakobsson (D-Champaign).
Here is what passage of either of these bills would mean to you:
1. Ammunition manufacturers would be required to imprint a secret code on cartridge casings so that the purchaser of the ammunition could be identified.
2. When you purchase ammunition, that secret code would be registered to your name.
3. All your ammunition purchases would be registered with the Illinois State Police.
4. You would be responsible for all eternity for ammunition registered to you.
5. It would be in your best interest to destroy all expended ammunition casings because an unaccounted for empty casing could be used to frame you for a crime you did not commit.
6. You would have to surrender all unregistered ammunition you now own to the Illinois State Police.
7. Reloading would be banned.
8. The Illinois Department of Revenue would be authorized to place a tax on ammunition and raise that tax any time for any reason.
9. Taxes and increased manufacturing costs would raise the price of a box of .45 ammo to $200 or more.
10. Gun ownership would become too costly for most people.
More on the update here.
This is your Chicago influence in Illinois. I know folks in the southern part of Illinois that hate the big city political machines running the whole state. If anything like this happens in Texas, the Texas Rifle Association will be right on it.
Have a safe week friend and early voting started today in Texas.
It gets worse. This is the state that the next President of the U.S., a Democrat, head of the party whose main leadership figures such as Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Clinton, Kerry, Kennedy, and Durbin are ALL heavily anti-gun, came from. What does that suggest is likely to happen to gun legislation on the national level when The Parrot gets in? Or even Clinton, for that matter? Better pick out a good hiding place for a few weapons.
In Illinois you need a Firearms Owner's Identification card to purchase ammo. And it doesn't hurt to bring a note from your mother.
A manufacturer is suppose to put a unique serial number on the inside of a cartridge casing? Yea, right.
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