Someone wrote a comment asking what I thought about Glocks and SIGs. It appears Texas Gulf Coast Gab is now linked from the Operation KleinWatch blog, which originated the question on SIGs. Mr. Pillsbury wrote, “I'm curious what Bob thinks about the SigSauer P229 in the .40 caliber version?”I appreciate Mr. Pillsbury reading TxGCG and valuing my opinion on this subject. I may be bias with respect to which gun I prefer but I honestly believe the SigSauer is the more superior firearm and the one for most citizens’ needs. Let me explain my reasons.
Glock owners are very passionate about the Glock brand, but I contend that there is something unsafe about them. One reason, there is no manual safety, and there is no way to look at it and see whether there is a bullet in the chamber. The Glock has a mechanism that prevents it from discharging unless the trigger is pulled, but I’ve always been apprehensive to the light trigger pull of the Glock. But they do what they are made to do—Shoot Fast. Now a lot of people worry about accidental discharges (AD) from the Glock but in my opinion, as well as many others, there is no such thing as an accidental discharge. A better term is negligent discharges (ND). If you remember the video of the DEA agent in the classroom shooting himself in the foot with a Glock 22, this was nothing more than negligence on his part. You alone are responsible for your firearm, not the other person next too you, so that is the reason I always stress to a Glock user to use extreme caution when handling a Glock. Yes, it is possible for Mr. Klein to shoot himself in the leg with his Glock, but only if he is negligent. How many times have you witnessed someone at a gun counter, looking at Glocks as their first weapon to ever purchase in their life? I’m not saying these people aren’t responsible enough to own a Glock but it gives me goose bumps seeing the way they act with the gun and never handled one before. And please don’t get me started on scissors triggers on Glocks or XDs, I hate them. The good news about Springfield Armory XD models, they are now available with a thumb safety, which copies the Taurus 24/7 Pro. Though they were always safer than a Glock because of the grip safety.
Sig Sauer owners are very passionate about the SIG brand too. I own a Sig 226 in .40 caliber, which is basically the same gun as the Sig 229 except the 226 has about a ½ inch longer barrel. It all boils down to personal preference but I like a hammer on my pistols. Who carries the Sig? U.S Air Marshals carry the Sig 229 and Texas DPS troopers and Texas Rangers carry the Sig 226. Last year at Top Gun Range, Mike and I compared the Glock 22, Taurus 24/7 and Sig 226, all chambered in .40 caliber, and the grouping was far better (see details below) with the Sig 226 in both our hands. Again, the Sig 226 is the same as the Sig 229 except slightly longer barrel. After our comparison test, with the Glock, Taurus and SIG, I felt like I test-drove a Ford, Dodge and Mercedes in that order. If Mr. Pillsbury is looking to purchase a Sig 229, I highly encourage him to do so. Glocks are cheaper than Sigs, so your budget may be a constraint, but Sigs are available refurbished at Carter’s Country in Houston. Refurb could save you about $125 compared to NIB price. Pay the extra amount and get night sights, and don’t forget to get a CHL to go along with it. Everyone needs a CHL nowadays, especially if you live in Southeast Texas.
Average Group at 15 yards using Remington UMC 180 gr. FMJ
Glock 22 2.2 in.
Taurus 24/7 2.3 in.
Sig 226 1.9 in.
Thanks again for reading and everyone rout for the Patriots.
You owe me $10 on the Super Bowl game. Manning and Giants pulled it out the last couple minutes.
I never liked those plastic glocks.
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