Is it just me? Watch the flooding in the Midwest, have you noticed that there are no farmers running around with stolen plasma TVs or holding stolen liquor over their heads. There's no looting or yelling "Where's
Bush?", "Where's FEMA?, Where's my check?", or "Why isn't
the Government out here saving me and my farm?"
Likewise, I've also noticed there are no reports of any other country coming
to help or sending aid. And where are the liberal Hollywood actors and actresses?
Maybe some Americans pull themselves up from the boot straps and get to work when a disater hits. Shocking contrast isn't it.
Everyone have a safe weekend.
Obama For President!!!!
I see why Klein likes you, two dumb peas in a pod.
Klein also likes the theatre attendant at the mall, the clerk in the convenience store and the mailman. They're the only ones that will speak to him. Bob too.
Duck Duck Goose!
The feeling is not mutual.
Jason is off his medicine again.
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