Jim Crow and James Bryd are both dead, so can't we just move along. Obama is making a big deal out of racial healing and again the whites are made to feel guilty with the 10th anniversary of the James Byrd dragging. It's back in the news, James Byrd was murdered 10 years ago by 3 white trash idiots, but I wasn't there
taking part in it. So don't blame me! About 100 people attended a ceremony at the James Byrd Memorial Park on the 10th anniversary of his death
but where was Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Did Jesse come blowing back into Jasper like he did when this incident happened? NO!
Enough is enough, I'm sick and tired of being made guilty of something I didn't do. I never owned a black slave and my ancestors were too
poor to own any slaves, so stop blaming me. I didn't drag James Byrd behind a pickup truck back in 1998, so stop blaming me.
You can call me a honky, cracker or white dude, I really don't care, words don't offend me.
Before you brand me as a racist, lets get this straight, I'm NOT a racist. I just want to point out that Jim Crow and James Bryd are dead and I can't do
anything to change the past, so get over it.
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