A little pumpkin pie for all of you to enjoy this holiday.
I'm off to Ozana to hunt with friends and spend Thanksgiving with them and my family. Will return Sunday or Monday, in the meantime, neighbors are watching the house and feeding the hungry and vicious guard dogs in case you are thinking about breaking in.
Everyone be safe during your holiday travel and see you next week.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
In The News & My 2 Cents

TABC looks at alcohol sales at Jefferson County Democratic Party event. Sorry lady, you aren't above the law, everyone plays by the rules and you need to play by them too. Lucky is lucky that they are divorced and word is this isn't her first time with a run-in with the law.
Pee Wee Football Fight Probe Ends Without Charges. Hope the kids weren't watching when these idiot coaches got into it.
Possible Valero Strike. Take my advice, be happy you have a job and be at work next week. Times are going to get harder so you don't want to be sitting around doing nothing.
Lawyer may face sanctions over whereabouts of expert witness. Typical lawyers, liar, liar, pants on fire. Now you get caught.
Visitors 'floored' by new Groves Activity Center look. A pat on the back to all of those who helped make this possible. I'll even pat myself on the back, I helped with the counter tops.
Everyone have a safe weekend. Weather is going to be great to get outdoors.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Police Officer and Awkward Search
Glad I wasn't this police officer, he'll never live this down. Gives a whole new meaning to 'deadly weapon.'
Friday, November 14, 2008
My Roth IRA- Before and After Bush
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Obama Spurs Gun Sales

Today a friend wanted to go shopping for a Glock 19, so I said that I would ride along. Nothing like 2 guys doing a little gun shopping like a bunch of women on a Neiman-Marcus shopping spree. He wanted a Glock 19 for concealment and with the idea of tricking it out with a laser since he is like me, eyes aren't as good as in our younger days. Thinking we would save on fuel, first we went to Mike's Enterprises on Gulfway Driveway in Port Arthur, no Glock 19. So we drive up the road to Ty's Gun Shop in Nederland inside the Polaris dealership, no Glock 19. He wanted to go to Academy next but I really don't like dealing with the big box stores on my guns, so we go to JJ Pawn Shop in Beaumont. Again, no Glock 19, Jim said that they are in short supply thanks to Obama. Leger's Gun Range was next on the list but we both agreed that we didn't like doing business there, so off to Academy on Eastex, no Glock 19. So on the way home, stopped at Academy in Port Arthur, no Glock 19. But one thing all these places had in common, people lined up purchasing firearms and talking about the Obama administration taking over and confiscating our firearms. We hear on television, radio and read in the newspapers that guns sales are up 20% from the fear of Barack Obama and I can tell you that it is true. One guy at the Port Arthur Academy store was purchasing 4 handguns, one for everyone in his family. Hopefully it won't lead to that but confiscation of our weapons and taking away our 2nd amendment rights is possible.
Monday, November 10, 2008
One Darn Good Shot
In 1983, Research Armament Industries (RAI) in the USA began development of a new, long-range sniper cartridge capable of firing a 16.2 gram (250 gr), .338-inch diameter bullet at 914 m/s (3000 ft/s) that could penetrate 5 layers of military body armor at 1000 m (1094 yd) and still make the kill. More information on the .338 can be found here.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The BackUp Shotgun Rack For Your Bed
This is a great idea. I've had one for a couple of years but I made my own. Easily done with an old pickup truck gun rack and a couple of 1"x4" boards.
Friday, November 7, 2008
In The News & My 2 Cents

Petition Organizer Against Alcohol Sales In Lumberton Expresses Disappointment. Get over Mr. Bellow, there are more drinkers in Hardin County than you can shake a stick out. When the religious right tries to legislate my likes, I tend to believe that I'm more Libertarian in my beliefs.
FEMA addresses housing needs at press conference. Where was FEMA when I had friends from Bridge City living in tents a month ago? Bush Administration disgust me more and more each day.
Congressman Nick Lampson appears on KBTV4 Today and talks about his future. No problem here if Lampson was the next head of FEMA. Maybe S.E. Texas would be higher on the list after the next disaster.
Officer Fires Round at Vehicle After Jumping Out of Driver's Path. Beaulieu again in the line of duty, is this the second time in a year? Good job, make sure the bullet counts next time.
Beaumont Dentists Under Investigation. I've been to him once for a root canal, I never felt a thing. Now I'm wondering what he gave me. Truly sad when professionals turn to drugs.
Everyone have a safe weekend. After this post, I'm off to the deer lease for the weekend.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
McCain Picked The Wrong VP Running Mate
Yep, John McCain picked the wrong person to run as his running mate. Granted, Governor Sarah Palin is hotter than a $2 pistol but what were her qualifications? She appealed to the male voters (good looking with an AR-15 in hand) but she didn't appeal to the female voters. Even in my household, lots of comments were made about Sarah and they came from a very conservative woman. Was it when she greeted McCain staffers at her hotel room door wearing only a towel? Was it when she went on a shopping spree for a wardrobe at the high dollar shops? Was it when she couldn't answer the questions for Katie? Was it that a small town mayor from Alaska with only 2 years as Governor didn't have the experience to take over as our commander-in-chief if something happened to McCain? That is the question most everyone is asking today. She wanted to make a speech last night after McCain conceded to Obama but was told that she couldn't speak. A little late now but that is why McCain lost this election. Advise from Bob, next time find a person with experience to run as your running mate, it doesn't matter if they are ugly, just make sure they have some experience to be the next president.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Congratulations Mayor Brad Bailey
Groves Mayor -- 100 of 100 precincts reporting (100%)
Brad P. Bailey 2,242 69% (X)
Billy Job 984 31%
Brad P. Bailey 2,242 69% (X)
Billy Job 984 31%
Monday, November 3, 2008
Reward for Information

Since the beginning of this blog, I've experienced problems with Philip Klein haters trashing my blog with comments about Mr. Klein. This weekend things heated up with an exchange of words between a few individuals, since then I've deleted most of the comments. In the past, Mr. Klein has contacted me and asked me to delete those comments attributed to him and has told me that any real comments from him would be accompanied by an email verifying that he posted them. As I've stated before, I don't agree with Mr. Klein on his methods of reporting certain events but that is his right and privilege to go out on a limb and say what he says. And to be up front about it, he is usually wrong on most things that he reports. There are two blogs that debunk The Southeast Texas Political Review which Mr. Klein publishes. The first one is a more professional type blog known as Klein Watch and the other is more of a comical blog known as Sam the Eagle. Now I don't know if either of these blog operators are actually doing the posting on my blog but some of their followers may be doing it.
Now with that said, if you know who is trashing my blog with those comments, you can email me at txgulfcoastgab@gmail.com or leave a comment in the moderated comment section. Your information and tips will be kept confidential, I do not intent on sharing them with anyone but I would personally like to know who these rascals are.
Earlier today, River Rat left this comment:
river rat said...
Bob, you ought to offer a reward like Phillip Klein and find out who these people are and then publish there names. It worked for Klein whose investigating one of them.
Offer a reward? What would I offer? Well, after thinking about this today. I'll offer a gift certificate to Academy (amount unknown at this time) to be used to purchase ammunition for any information that pans out to be correct. Now that is the best I can do.
Thanks to all of you that read this blog, I appreciate you for taking the time to stop by and make sure all of you vote tomorrow.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Moderation Comments Back In Effect
A man can't go deer hunting over the weekend without a bunch of kids trashing his blog because they have a vendetta against someone. So 'dog lover', 'dog killer', 'cat lover' and 'cat killer', take your trash comments to another blog.
P.S. FYI, didn't kill a deer but will before the season is over.
P.S. FYI, didn't kill a deer but will before the season is over.
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