Since the beginning of this blog, I've experienced problems with Philip Klein haters trashing my blog with comments about Mr. Klein. This weekend things heated up with an exchange of words between a few individuals, since then I've deleted most of the comments. In the past, Mr. Klein has contacted me and asked me to delete those comments attributed to him and has told me that any real comments from him would be accompanied by an email verifying that he posted them. As I've stated before, I don't agree with Mr. Klein on his methods of reporting certain events but that is his right and privilege to go out on a limb and say what he says. And to be up front about it, he is usually wrong on most things that he reports. There are two blogs that debunk The Southeast Texas Political Review which Mr. Klein publishes. The first one is a more professional type blog known as Klein Watch and the other is more of a comical blog known as Sam the Eagle. Now I don't know if either of these blog operators are actually doing the posting on my blog but some of their followers may be doing it.
Now with that said, if you know who is trashing my blog with those comments, you can email me at txgulfcoastgab@gmail.com or leave a comment in the moderated comment section. Your information and tips will be kept confidential, I do not intent on sharing them with anyone but I would personally like to know who these rascals are.
Earlier today, River Rat left this comment:
river rat said...
Bob, you ought to offer a reward like Phillip Klein and find out who these people are and then publish there names. It worked for Klein whose investigating one of them.
Offer a reward? What would I offer? Well, after thinking about this today. I'll offer a gift certificate to Academy (amount unknown at this time) to be used to purchase ammunition for any information that pans out to be correct. Now that is the best I can do.
Thanks to all of you that read this blog, I appreciate you for taking the time to stop by and make sure all of you vote tomorrow.
Get over it Bob, where else could we learn such valuable information. Before I reveal what my sources have disclosed, could I have a bottle of Jose' Cuervo in lieu of a gift certificate to Academy? I already have access to ammo. Ok, here it is: the perp's are none other than,,,,,,,,,Boy's Haven! Yep! I could just not make this stuff up. The bored students at Boy's Haven are the guilty culprits. You can assign #001 to me. Remember now, Jose' Curevo!
Sorry but ammo is the reward. You can never have too much ammo unless you are drowning or on fire. Though you can have too liquor so no booze reward offer. Thanks for the tip.
Bob, 'we' here at the Eagles Nest do not need to write nasty things about Philip Klein on other blogs......we have plenty of space (pun intended) to do it right here. HOWEVER, our followers, the Minions of Sam The Eagle (MOSTE) may have posted some of the foul (another pun) comments. 'We' here at the Eagle's Nest discourage the posting of untruths about Philip Klein. HOWEVER, you have to admit that given the character of the subject matter it is quite difficult to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction
Sam the Eagle
Sam, why don't you open a comment section on your blog for your minions?
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