Today a friend wanted to go shopping for a Glock 19, so I said that I would ride along. Nothing like 2 guys doing a little gun shopping like a bunch of women on a Neiman-Marcus shopping spree. He wanted a Glock 19 for concealment and with the idea of tricking it out with a laser since he is like me, eyes aren't as good as in our younger days. Thinking we would save on fuel, first we went to Mike's Enterprises on Gulfway Driveway in Port Arthur, no Glock 19. So we drive up the road to Ty's Gun Shop in Nederland inside the Polaris dealership, no Glock 19. He wanted to go to Academy next but I really don't like dealing with the big box stores on my guns, so we go to JJ Pawn Shop in Beaumont. Again, no Glock 19, Jim said that they are in short supply thanks to Obama. Leger's Gun Range was next on the list but we both agreed that we didn't like doing business there, so off to Academy on Eastex, no Glock 19. So on the way home, stopped at Academy in Port Arthur, no Glock 19. But one thing all these places had in common, people lined up purchasing firearms and talking about the Obama administration taking over and confiscating our firearms. We hear on television, radio and read in the newspapers that guns sales are up 20% from the fear of Barack Obama and I can tell you that it is true. One guy at the Port Arthur Academy store was purchasing 4 handguns, one for everyone in his family. Hopefully it won't lead to that but confiscation of our weapons and taking away our 2nd amendment rights is possible.
Same with ammo sales, huge increase. talked to Theriot @ gulf coast ammunition and his sales doubled since Obamanation.
Friends don't let friends drive Glocks!
I have owned a G-19 since 2006. Pluses are that this is a very dependable piece and affordable in price. Minuses are 1. the double stack grip is too wide for small hands; 2. safety is questionable - I would feel more comfortable with a more positive safety; 3. accuracy for me is not good. In approximately 2,000 rounds of factory ammunitiion, from a rest, always shoots low and left. I've put on a grip Crimson Trace Laser, and adjusted it to compensate and it shoots fine, but this is to me an unnecessary step to get accuracy from a pistol. I own a Springfield Armory 1911-A1 and a Kimber CDP 4" both in .45 ACP, and have no problems with them at the same distance with factory ammo. I will probably sell the 19 in the next few weeks and purchase the new Ruger SR-9 primarily because the grip is adjustable (flat to rounded backstrap), and is much narrower for my small hands. Also the safety features with a positive lock on frame and a Glock-type trigger makes it much more desireable. Shooting a friend's new model, it goes where you aim it.
People who buy glocks are trying to impress other people who know nothing about guns. Its an over priced overrated gun.
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