I know, you savor the opportunity to hold a couple of these nice semi-auto weapons in your hands after viewing both of them for an extended period of time. The good news is that you can get them at the Houston Gun Collectors Association gun show this weekend, January 17 and 18 at Reliant Park, the gun show starts at 9 A.M. both days and ends at 6 P.M. on Saturday and 5 P.M. on Sunday. I attend lots of gun shows over the year but the Houston Gun Collectors Association puts on one of the best that you will find anywhere. Some great bargains on new and used guns when you compare prices to retail stores, so don't miss out.
Those guns would look nice on my rack
I'll be happy to 'hep you Bob if either of these weapons need cleaning when you get them home. Just don't hide them away in a dark safe or closet, keep them on prominent display. Of course, I hear the maintenance can get expensive.
Do they sell "racks" at this gun show. I need something to put my "gun" in.
Bob, are those high capacity magazines in the picture? They sure look like the large capacity types.
I had planned on going with a acquaintance of mine that thinks he is a private investigator. He "says" he has a third generation Glock 19 he want to sell. He wants $600.00 for it. I have never seen the gun, but if it is the same condition as everything else he has its a POS. He needs help. I kind of feel sorry for him, he is grossly obese, several failed marriages probably due to his alcoholism He really is a sad case. His poor children left his delapidated shack that kind of resembles a house in a card board box sort of way. His only income comes from filing frivilous lawsuits. Oddnoxs are that with as many lawsuits he has filed, eventually you will win one. Hell of a way to make a living, but he just drinks it all up. People run when they see him coming. Not from being plain obnoxious, to put it bluntly, this poor man STINKS and I mean stinks. His teeth are falling out. Every photo of him, he has some form of alcoholic drink in his hand. His poor children left the "home" as soon as they could. They need to put a poster of him in all the schools as a example of what not to be. He gives homeless people a bad name. It's just so sad...
I'll give that guy fifty bucks for the glock if and only if he doesn't spend the money on alcohol or drugs. I was told that crystal meth will rot your teeth.
I've got a glock I'd like to hang on that rack.
Philip Klein has bigger tits than the blonde.
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