In a life-or-death situation, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Anybody worth shooting once is worth shooting five, six, seven, eight times.
No, you can't take away my rights, I'm still using them.
Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns.
Matter of fact, so has his nephew's golf club.
Don't blame me,
I voted for the old guy, And the HOT chick.
There's no such thing as having too many guns.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
Green acres is the place to be.
Farm living is the life for me.
Liberals don't have the same standards as conservatives and those who think so are living in a parallel universe their vision distorted by the parallax of the prism they view life through.
I learned the word parallax when I was 11 years old and purchased my first 22 rifle and scope from the Sears and Roebuck catalog. Parallax--meaning apparent movement of an object due to a change in the position of the obsever. Most accurate rimfire I ever owned was a Remington 5mm--could actually hit a squirrel in the the eye at 75 yds (not when running,ha). Most accurate center fire that I own is also a Remington 17cal. Use to shoot turkeys with it in the old days at 400 yds on light wind days. Don't get out much anymore, wish I could. Like your blog--come visit mine sometimes, its new, but do have some good Obama jokes, etc.
Grew up with guns and by the age of 26 I had about 30--pistols, rifles, shotguns, muzzle loaders (both pistol and long gun) Could never have too many.
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