The Hilton Hotel group doesn't have to worry about taking my cash for a hotel room at their establishments after their recent actions. They have now banned legal concealed handgun license holders from carrying into their hotels. Below is a letter from Texas General Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson to a Hilton Hotel executive questioning Hilton's new policy. It is worth reading and I thank Commissioner Patterson for stepping up for the Texas CHL holders.
I recently picked up a member of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) from the Doubletree on 15th St in Austin and noticed the new signs announcing that concealed handguns are not permitted (the signs are silent on whether other types of firearms such as rifles and shotguns are prohibited).
I have several questions:
1. Is a firearm in a personal vehicle in your garage prohibited?
2. Since I was in my vehicle and armed when I drove up to pick up my colleagues the other night, was I in violation of your policy?
3. When you accept reservations do you inform your guests of this policy so that they are not surprised when they arrive?
4. If a guest with reservations and a firearm, and who was not aware of your new policy arrived at your hotel would you provide safe off premises storage for the weapon?
5. If there were no provisions for storage of a firearm, would you insure the guest could find other equivalent lodging in Austin even if all hotels were booked as is often the case?
6. Since most of the SBOE members stay at your hotel because they can walk to state office buildings, do you assume an additional obligation for the personal safety of guests who are disarmed by your policy and who may be victims of crime while on or off your premises, particularly while walking at night to and from meetings?
7. Do you have any concern that the signs posted on your building might attract criminal activity since criminals are likely to be attracted to a location where they believe their potential victims are unarmed? Does this obvious incentive for criminal activity create an additional liability for you if a guest is assaulted?
8. Are you aware that the signs you have posted likely do not comply with Texas Penal Code section 30.06 and therefore may not be legally sufficient to ban handguns from your property?
While a State Senator, I was the author of Texas’ concealed handgun law. There are few if any in the State of Texas who are more familiar with state and federal firearms law than I. Additionally, I have spent approximately $15,000 hosting receptions at your hotel, and have attended many others as a guest of other elected officials and the Republican party. I can reasonably state that tens of thousands of dollars of future revenue may be in jeopardy if this senseless policy remains in effect.
I recognize there is a great deal of misunderstanding about Texas firearms law, and frequently premise holders believe posting signs may be required by law in order to achieve some desirable objective. In other words, posting these signs is not always an informed decision.
While I am not an attorney, I am more than willing to explain Texas firearms law to anyone with the Hilton Hotel corporation. I’m very qualified to do so since I authored most of the laws pertaining to carrying handguns while I was a member of the Texas legislature.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jerry Patterson
Commissioner, Texas General Land Office
I can't wait for Jerry Patterson to run for Texas Governor. He'll have my vote.
Hilton Hotels are owned in their entirety by Blackstone Holdings. This conglomerate also owns British Airways among other interests. Blackstone is a privitely owned holding company and as such does not trade on any of the stock exchanges.
It is my understanding that if an establishment has not properly posted a 30.06 sign, we may legally carry a concealed handgun (with a permit).
Jerry Patterson, The Texas State Rifle Association and four Harris county gun owners sued Metro in 2003, seeking to overturn the ban on conceal carry on Metro buses. Metro changed their policies after the suit.
Boycott all businesses with policies against concealing a weapon.
Watch out for Hilton's non-refundable 'prepaid' reservations on their website too:
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