Nothing surprises me anymore, especially this story. A bunch of third graders plot to harm their teacher because she scolded one of her students for standing up in a chair. Back in the days of old at Kirbyville Elementary, nothing of the sort ever took place in our class. With fond memories, I remember Ms. Mullins, a beautiful lady in her early thirties with curly red hair. She broke my heart when she later married a Beaumont school football coach. Maybe these students will get a trip out to the woodshed for wanting to hurt their teacher, but I doubt it.
Just heard on KBTV that Port Arthur P.D. is investigating another shooting- What's new? Details at 10 o'clock, so all of you have a safe weekend and be careful out there.
Children today are different. I hear that frequently. I think they’re different because they’re being raised in a different environment. It's sad but true.
These students, no doubt, must live in dysfunctional homes, with possibly, alcholic and/or abusive parents as role models. It's well documented for some children that these manifestations are evident only in later years through financial hardships, failed marriages and bitter sibling rivalry. While intermittent therapy may be be beneficial to some, others' never recover.
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