If you are looking for a sinkhole then look no further than Port Arthur. On Tuesday, 1500 jack-asses from Port Arthur voted for the de-benched Justice of the Peace, Thurman Bartie, in the Jefferson County Pct. 3 commissioner race. I was worried when those returns showed a close race but luckly Sinegal pulled it out. An election judge told me that the rural voters pulled off the victory for Sinegal. Now what does that tell you about Port Arthur? The only time I go to Port Arthur is when I want to look at something at Mike's Enterprises on Gulfway Drive and that is only if I'm armed. Too many democrats in this county and see what we have, high taxes and a de-benched judge running for political office. Makes me want to vomit.
Everyone have a safe weekend and stay away from Port Arthur.
Around the Port Acres area, Bartie campaign signs had CROOK spray painted on them. Same color as Port Arthur PD uses at accidents. Makes you wonder.
Bo Alfred and Shane Sinegal together will make it worth while to buy a ticket to watch Monday afternoon commissioners court circus.
It's time to leave Port Arthur behind!
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