Last Friday, a reader posted a comment inferring that I was smarter than Philip Klein, a local blogger and owner of a political relations firm in mid-county. First let me set the record straight, I’m not any smarter than 99.99% of the people in this world. I grew up in rural Jasper County, Texas, so I like to describe myself as a simple country boy, no formal education other than a high school diploma back in the late ‘60’s. My only expanded education consisted of summer school at the end of 7th grade. That was embarrassing moment for sure, while all my friends were off playing that summer. Now with that said, you can figure out that I wasn’t the valedictorian of my graduating class. After graduation from high school, I went into the Navy and served my country during the Vietnam War for four years. Then back to southeast Texas to get a job and raise a family. Though there were times that I wished I went to college and earned a degree, those days are faded. As for any smarts I possess, they were obtained from the College of Hard Knocks.
Secondly, I read other blogs, once in awhile, I read Gus Pillsbury’s blog, and I do admire his style with words and fact checking Philip Klein’s blog. I appreciate him mentioning Texas Gulf Coast Gab’s poll and hope more readers visit. One can tell from his writings that he is a highly educated person, but his background is unknown. I hope he never mentions my bad grammar and sentence structures. And on occasion, I read Philip Klein’s blog, our politics tend to parallel, it is simple to read, nothing fantastic, understandable to the average person, but most of the content should be taken with a grain of salt. The Southeast Texas Political Review has too much hate for southeast Texas and the local elected officials. If Philip Klein has a problem with the Jefferson County system, then he should run for political office and try to change it. His continuous description of Jefferson County as being corrupt does not serve justice to the good citizens of this area. Maybe not being so mean spirited would greatly improve his blog but that is his style, his freedom of expression and his right to do so.
Other great blogs to read include Texas Fred, Fred believes God, guns and guts make this country great. Also check out The SE Texas Bayou, Gator can turn humor into saying something serious and something serious into humor. Another blog to my liking is Buck’s blog, though for the last few months, Buck has been in the ICU blog world but it looks as if he is cranking back up.
To sum it up, I’m no smarter than any other blogger, most of us are brain dead, and that is my own dumb personal opinion.
Thank you for the mention, it IS appreciated.. :)
Now dammit Bob, Phil was just beginning to warm up to you and there you go slamming him. What's wrong with you? Hiding behind another curtain, I see.
Intellegent readers see through the lies, made up sources, & unsubstantiated facts on SETPR. Makes for good fiction in the end. KR does good job keeping SETPR in check. SETXBayou is one crazy gator and throw Buck in the crazy category too.
You are nowhere near as dumb as Philip Klein
Thanks for the kind words. We'll do our best to live up 'em.
Bob, you are wasting your time with Philip Klein.
Sam the Eagle
filup has acknowledged having SIX (6) friends. They are:
1) The theatre attendant at central mall
2) His mail carrier
3) His paper boy
4) The clerk at the post office
5) The landlord for his office space
6) And his closest friend, a very respected therapist who's made little progress.
My God Bob, you just can't see it; you could have been the 7th, but you're just weak! Touchy feely! A puss! Pretty soon you'll have no sole at all.
Tsk, Tsk.
I was told he paid the attendant at the Central Mall theater.
You mean same the "puss." Kline is right as much as I hate to say it.
Which Kline? Kline 1 or Kline 2. WE can't distinguish between them.
'You mean same the "puss."'
Could someone please translate this into english?
Here is a brief synopsis to answer the continuing dialoge on the number of Philip Kline's:
1) Philip Kline #1 is the CEO/Chairman/President/Market Analyst of Kline Investments.
2) Philip Kline #2 is the President/Editor/Typist of the Southeast Texas Political Review, a division of Kline Investments.
3) Another Philip Kline is president of Texas Body Guards.
4) There's yet another Philip Kline that chair's the audit & legal committee of the Nederland VFD.
5) Continuing, a previous Philip Kline masterfully manuvered a speeding ambulance down the roads of Southeast Texas.
6) And finally,there's the previous Philip Kline that steered a once successful DQ franchise into bankruptcy in spite of of a $750,000 SBA cash infusion.
Much as compacted flecks of feces form a rectal stool,the Philip Kline's are equally staining and unsightly and require a daily tolerance. Better watch where you step.
Duck need to get back on his medicine.
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