In October I'll turn 58 years young. If you were thinking about getting me a birthday present, I would love to have one of these BBQ pits.
"Arms in the hands of the citizens may be used at individual discretion for the defense of the country, the overthrow of tyranny or private self-defense." — John Adams
I don't need a 500 caliber grill but like one in 9mm.
At 58 Bob, you're unlikely to ever see it rust much; you'd better be off looking at hospital beds instead of pits'. But, I'll pick you one up if I happen to see one returning to Jeff. Co. from Shawnee this weekend.
You better straighten up on this blog or I will pull out my Benelli duck hunting shotgun.
Really nice pit! And big enough to put a 4' 11" 225 lb. oink oink oinka HOG!!
Forget an apple in the mouth; a hog that size would need to be split in half.
Fat Hog + Medications = True Love
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