Interesting items in the news this week. Here's my 2 cents.
East Texas Swingers Club, well I guess it is different strokes for different folks. Mama and I are happy with each other and would only embarrass myself if I went to one of those swinger parties. But Groves would be the place to have one if one does exist.
Missing Nederland woman found in Taylor's Bayou, and now the manhunt is on for an ex-con. Folks, use some common scene when going out to the bars. Don't get drunk, don't leave with strangers, be aware of your surroundings and always stay in a group. Another good reason to have a CHL, but you can't pack inside of a bar, so you are stuck in that situation. Sad, my condolenses to the young woman's family.
Dallas attorney gives money to pretty boy John Edwards' girlfriend. Support for the argument that lawyers make too much money.
Tax Free Holiday this weekend in Texas. One good reason to stay away from the retailers and malls, you will get trampled by the mob.
Victoria Osteen will probably never fly Continental Airlines again but lucks out in civil court. Stupid lawsuit, where are the lawsuit abuse people when you need them?
Everyone have a safe weekend. Spend it with family and have fun doing it.
Shake that fat in every direction!
--Jo Jo Gunne
Who is Duck?
Who are you?
I don't see you.......
bring it on
I'm lost???????????
What is all this bitch barking back and forth all about???????
To Hell with Duck and Duck F**ker, shoot deer instead, more meat and better tasting.
What do Fat people do in the summertime?
Piece of Cake
Why are you picking on fat girls?
For Bobs Web Site / Further Posted On The SET Talk Back Line 4:51 hrs.
Bob -
I received an email this morning and I have read your posting site this afternoon from a person called “duck.”
Once again – “duck” is attempting the same old party line with anonymous accusations that he have no back up for. Just simply silly innuendo. The target (imagine that) is me. I am sorry once again that this has hit your web site. It is the only way that they can get their jollies out.
As for “DF” – do not defend me or attempt to call “duck” out. We all know who “duck” is. He is a very upset and disturbed individual that can only throw accusations out without any back up other than lying. But is that not what they accuse me of ?
Being adopted is hard enough? Right?
Anytime Mr. Duck would like to speak with me about anything – I will make myself available at anytime of your choosing. Just call – or better yet – give me a place and a time.
Just what I thought. Right?
Philip R. Klein, Editor
I've been working all day on the old home place in Jasper County and I get home to find all these childish comments. Clean it up folks! I don't understand 90% of what is posted here but it has upset some. Until further notice, comments will be moderated.
For Bobs Web Site / Further Posted On The SET Talk Back Line 7:31 hrs.
Thank you, Bob.
I don't know why people think its funny that I'm adopted. It just goes to show you that these people have no heart and sole.
Philip R. Klein, Editor
I like it. I love it. I want some more of it.
What's so bad about being adopted? You should be proud, Mr. Klein.
Mr. Klein's parents should be commended for adopting a child and saving God's gift from the treacherous murder process known as pro-life by the ObamaNation supporters. At last number count in Texas for the 2005, 85,760 babies were murdered by unloving mothers. This appalling number will grow even larger with Obama as the next president. Wake up Americans!
In 2009 the government will start killing all the mentally ill people.
I started crying when I thought of you and Phillip Klein.
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