Friday, December 5, 2008

In The News & My 2 Cents

TABC agents in the news again, hitting a sexual oriented establishment. A little too close to my house, glad they shut it done. Parking lot is full in the afternoons after the plant workers head for home. Sort of like the old Boudreaux's on Cardinal Drive in
Beaumont some years ago.

Judge threatens to hold lawyers in contempt. You have to laugh when you see the photo of attorney Valorie Davenport. Was that photo taken right before she mounted her barrel racing horse?

No-good piece of trash drags Texas Game Warden under truck. Hope they find this no-good for nothing S.O.B. and put him behind bars for about 40 years.

O.J. Simpson gets 33 years of striped sunshine. What can I say, what goes around comes around. Bend over O.J.

Two D.W.I. arrest for same person in two days. Hey fellow, you might have a drinking problem. Good job to law enforcement for getting this drunk off the streets.

Everyone have a great weekend. Bundle up, it's going to get cold, get the firewood in the house and stay warm.



Anonymous said...

I miss Boudrooos.

Anonymous said...

The divorce record is an important proof of information that the divorce has taken place. This is useful for the individual parties involved in the divorce to prove the divorce and can be of utility in many areas.

These records can help the individual ensure that the divorce has legally occurred. In many cases of uncontested divorces, the respondent party may not be aware of the settlement of the divorce. A divorce record helps in proving that the divorce has been finalized in the Court of Law.

When a person intends to marry again after a divorce, the divorce certificates should be provided to legally allow the person to remarry. It also helps resolve issues arising in the care of children born out of the marriage where divorce has taken place. A woman intending to change her name that carries the surname of the ex-husband can do so by providing these records.