Friday, October 5, 2007

Listening to the Morning Radio

As part of my morning routine, I listen to Al Caldwell on KLVI as I sip my coffee. This morning I rolled on the floor along with Buddy Johnson. Al Caldwell was commenting about Senator Larry Craig’s restroom incident at the airport then ventured into how Buddy picks up women at the grocery stores. Poor Buddy, he was laughing so hard, he couldn’t do the birthday announcements.

I always like the Paul Harvey commentary, this morning Mr. Harvey reported Barack Obama quit wearing his American flag lapel pin in protest to the war in Iraq. My friends, this guy is no more an American than Bin Laden, so I believe that he should take off the lapel pin until he embraces some American values. Lord help this great country if Obama, Hillary or Edwards become president.

If anyone can control the weather, please give us clear skies this weekend. Gary, Debbie and the grandkids are coming in from Dallas with plans of spending all of Saturday at the Texas Rice Festival. Paw Paw Bob will be worn out by Saturday night but I will hang in there with the young ones.

That’s it for today, my friends, Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bob I always pig out on the cotton candy when the grandkids come to vist and we go to the fair. All that sugar is just as good as dope.